Father’s Day 2023 

Wednesday, 30 August 2023
Written by Wayne Alcorn

A school teacher asked her class – ‘What is Father’s Day?’ A little boy raised his hand and said, ‘Miss, it’s just like Mother’s Day, except the presents are cheaper’.

I’m not sure if that’s the case in every household, but I do know it’s an important time every year to stop, and reflect on some important issues.

Both Mother’s Day, and Father’s Day have been around for about 100 years. For many families, these are times of great celebration. For others, it can be quite challenging. It’s personal.

This is my second Father’s Day without my dad. Despite his flaws and foibles, he was my hero. His wisdom, his faith, his resilience, and his unbridled acceptance of people gave me both a great example - and a great foundation for life. I really miss him!

Thankfully, I had a very different relationship with my father, Alex Alcorn, than what he had with his dad – my grandfather. War, loss and divorce all contributed to the pain and dysfunction within that family.  

That’s why I am forever grateful for that moment, 72 years ago, when my father made a decision that would not only change his life…but our entire family line. My sister and I grew up in a home that was in stark contrast to the one dad was raised in.

As we grow older, we seem to appreciate occasions like Father’s Day just a little bit more than we did when we were younger. It’s certainly nice to have my family show their appreciation in this season of life, where I’m a father and a grandfather. It’s one of those moments when you realise how quickly the years fly by. I’m sure I will be also thinking about dad too…or as my grandkids called him…’Old Grandpa’.  

The first Sunday of September

Maybe that first Sunday in September awakens different emotions for you; far less pleasant than those that I shared.

Perhaps you have regrets about some of your own shortcomings as a father. Things you could have done, but didn’t. Things you shouldn’t have done, but you did. Every parent has some of them, no matter how good you were.

Here is the reality – you can’t change the past, but you can have a different future, based on decisions you make today. Maybe that looks like writing your children a letter…or setting time aside to hear their heart. It could be telling God you need His help.

I’m sure there are people reading this blog who have genuine disappointments with their father. Only you know the pain that you carry because of their failings. It’s real.

Here’s my hope for you

  • That you would find it in your heart to forgive your dad. I don’t know why they failed you, but I do know that holding onto unforgiveness hurts your own soul. A friend of mine once said, time doesn’t heal…only Jesus does. So let him.

  • That if there’s been a breakdown in your relationship, you can find some level of restoration.

  • That you will also find other healthy relationships with mature people who will be great role models for you.

  • That as a parent, you won’t repeat the mistakes of your past.

  • That if you are of mature age, you would be the source of encouragement to others.

To every dad doing their best to navigate the challenges of this important role, I just want to thank you. Keep loving your kids. Stay honest with the man in the mirror. And realise you can’t do it alone. Seek God’s help, and let a few mates join you on your journey. Happy Father’s Day!

Written by Wayne Alcorn